
Posinex Data Processing Division


The Data Processing Division (DPD) serves as the company’s primary batch data processing and EDI division.The Data Processing Division was launched to address and automate business tasks.

Technology and business have become inseparable. Since business is constantly changing in
response to market pressures, technology systems must respond and grow as needed. One
critical facet is the need for reliable and timely information processing on virtually any platform
and in sync with mission-critical applications. These conditions require a highly scalable and
flexible job management solution capable of dynamically responding to real-time business
needs on-demand, integrating with business processes and adapting to the infrastructure as it

Addressing your current and future business needs requires a market-proven, enterprise-wide solution that automates job scheduling in order to improve productivity, help reduce operating costs and help ensure reliability for business processes. It must do so by:

  • Improving efficiency and controlling costs of resources by automating job scheduling processes across applications and platforms
  • Reducing operational risks by automating tasks, eliminating potential human error. This is particularly important as today’s staffs are often stretched thin
  • Improving availability of business resources by optimizing job schedules and automating error recovery for business processes
  • Managing jobs and schedules as a business process, integrating all scheduling components, regardless of platform, from a secure, up-to-date single point of control